Contemporaneously, a group of Arab families in the eastern Jerusalem neighbourhood of Shimon HaTzaddik, known in Arabic as Sheikh Jarrah, had been fighting eviction in a longstanding property dispute that was about to be ruled on by Israel’s Supreme Court.
Sensing an opportunity and seizing on it, both the PA and Hamas positioned the court decision as an assault on Muslims worldwide and, once again, encouraged their followers on social media to violently riot. Hence Israel’s claim that a real estate dispute was used to foment discord and incite violence.
And thus, the “TikTok intifada” was born with videos encouraging Palestinians to attack Israelis. And these messages were exported worldwide. Jews were attacked in Los Angeles, New York, Toronto, Montreal and elsewhere. Bloodthirsty lynch mobs roamed the streets trying spark a pogrom of the likes we haven’t seen since Kristallnacht. Unbridled anti-Semitism was on full display.