Monday, February 9, 2015


We have a government that misleads us, because we can’t handle the truth.  But Wynne’s election-time half truths are now starting to unravel.


  1. "..voters thus provided an incentive for politicians to misrepresent the truth, to sugar-coat reality, and to punt difficult decisions down the field for future politicians to deal with at a future time."

    How about: ...and to punt the massive debt-load down the field for our children and grandchildren to deal with.

  2. Eventually reality will reassert itself, when Ontario can't sell any more debt. Until then we'll have politicians pandering to any and every special interest group regardless of the cost. The public sector unions will continue to pour money to the Liberals at election time to ensure an amicable bargaining atmosphere at contract renewal time. Those on the government tit will fight fiercely to remain so and others, envious of the tit suckers, will squeal for a nipple too. Greedy unions, NGO's, farm groups, businesses big and small all clamoring for their " fair" share and to hell with the taxpayers present and future. That's Ontario.

  3. to many bad nails and the shithouse falls into the hole
