It is future generations who will be saddled with the ever-growing pubic debt plus the interest it accrues.
After governments made significant progress in bringing down debt and deficits during the 1990s, cavalier attitudes toward borrowing have returned. The temporary and “modest” deficits promised by our current prime minister in last year’s election campaign have already morphed into large and long-term projections of new debt. In Ontario, provincial red ink has soared past $300 billion while formerly debt-free Alberta now runs the second-largest per capita deficit in Canada. Even Saskatchewan, an erstwhile bulwark against the spend-now, worry-later instincts of so many governments, is running a billion-dollar operational deficit. Eventually these bills will come due.
Oh well, when they vote, they vote for the likes of turdo laa doo and Wynnedigo. And if I may butcher a Churchill quote: Never in the field of human stupidity have so many been so ill-equipped to handle the great debt they voted for.