Sunday, February 27, 2022


The vaccine has failed spectacularly at stopping transmission, which is to say, it is not working at all as advertised. But cynical liberal demagogues and their fanatical followers have ignored the data to wage a warrantless campaign of political persecution. For them, punishment is the point of the vaccine mandates.

These people are criminals. The harm they have done to society is incalculable. In other times, rulers who behaved this abusively would have faced violent resistance.

Our elites certainly know this, which is why they have worked to make Western man into a domesticated animal. Indeed, the majority of citizens in the “free world” have more or less behaved like frightened, docile cattle throughout the pandemic. The cowardice of Western “man” is what made the bravery of the Canadian truckers so startling, so surprising. Unlike the BLM rioters of 2020, who were bailed out by liberal oligarchs and the state, they have incurred heavy costs for their courageous actions. They have shown that there are still noble souls out there who love freedom enough to demand it at any price. And for that the Trudeau regime is going to make them pay.

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