Thursday, November 10, 2022


   Rex Murphy: And I also know we’re hearing of noise-making, some traffic-jams, proven false-alarms of attempted arson, general discomfiture. Likewise we are hearing of confused and mixed reactions from the various security and police forces. With no intention of taking a jab at them, they, the forces of the law, were under confused command and mixed directions. It’s easy to jump on the people in uniform, but (a) we aren’t them, and (b) they are faithful to the various directions given them.
    I am not hearing that there were threats of serious violence, or incidents of the same, because there were none.
   The truckers protest may not have been a February picnic, but neither was it a heartless siege. The description that it was an “occupation” — are we thinking France in the second world war — is “journalese’’ of the laziest kind.

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