Monday, September 1, 2014


Russia, China begin construction of the world's largest gas pipeline. What no Native protest? and where are the environmental studies? just 2 things that hamper Canada developing her resources.


  1. Indeed. The Chi-coms and the Putinites don't have to worry about competition from this part of the world. We're committing suicide by a thousand cuts. Slowly strangled to death by environmental regulations and Rousseauian "noble savage" drivel.

  2. Putin is one dangerous, pragmatic son of a bitch. It is, however, kind of neat to see the European eunichs twist themselves into pretzels by talking tough about imposing sanctions on Russia and being simultaneously scared shitless that their winter gas supply may get cut off.

  3. The end game of the Russia/China gas deal will be that Europe needs Russia way more than Russia will ever need Europe.
    What we are in is the begining stages of the death of the US petro dollar...just wait til Europe has to start ponying up to pay in rubbles or yuan....the squealing will be deafening not just from them but from the US as well....and no doubt we as Canadians will be feeling the pinch also. have to admire the "push that pipe through" get 'er done way of doing business by Russia....once upon a time, not that long ago, it was like that here.
