Friday, September 6, 2019


  This is where Trudeau’s words arrive to spoil the fun. A 2011 interview with Trudeau quickly surfaced in which he expressed anger that anyone would question his ability to support gay rights and abortion laws despite adhering to his Catholic faith.
“Trudeau added that neither he nor his father saw any incongruity between enshrining the rights of gays and lesbians, for example, and the tenets of Catholicism. He notes that he is personally very opposed to abortion, but still believes nobody can tell a woman what she should do with her body.
   So there you have it: Justin Trudeau can be a good Catholic while supporting abortion rights, but Scheer can’t be allowed to let his own faith go unquestioned. Liberals can run government policies that differ from their personal beliefs, but Conservatives can’t be trusted to do so. Trudeau’s faith is between him and God, but Scheer’s is open to public doubt. It’s inappropriate for a Conservative MP to ask Trudeau about his religious views, but it’s perfectly fine that veteran Liberal Ralph Goodale released a recording of Scheer talking about his.

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