Thursday, October 9, 2014


...old Abenaki words meaning "get Chief to take your neighbour's wampum and give to you to buy a nice new lodge".
I just LOVE that my farm's income tax, my personal income tax, and all sales, gas, etc taxes I pay to the Queen's Park thieves, are redistributed to other Ontario farmers to help them clear/drain/purchase more land. That's just dandy!


  1. Good title would be Pride goeth before a Windfall. The only way to stay above water today is to get on your knees and lick a politician or join the black market. There is more skill and pride in that.

  2. This is my favourite: "B. M. Flanagan Farms in Belle Vallee is receiving $725,000 to purchase an existing dairy farm, including milk quota and equipment." 'Cause that's what all the lefties intended to happen when they set out to "assist the poor and underprivileged".

  3. Temiskaming is vanthofs riding and he is ag critic so this just allows Liberals to tell him quit complaining and besides he is dairy farmer himself so you know what kind of an ag critic he is

    1. Hughie my man, thanks for this. Liberal Pimps sure know how to keep the other pimp's whores from getting too nasty.

    2. Great job explaining the why Hughie! For most of Ontario, land clearing and drainage, etc are trending toward illegal due to leftist bureaucratic interference, but here, in this place, they're dumping public money in farmyards by the truckload! Pimps, whores and Johns. Follow the slimy sleaze trail.

  4. Makes ya wonder just how many of the names on that list would qualify as "Liberal bag-men"....and there will be a princely party/campaign donations made to the MPP sometime past or future.
    Always always follow the money.
    The cattle organization, Beef Farmers of Ontario, has the half baked notion of expanding the Ontario beef herd in Nothern Ontario because of cheaper land expect a flurry of taxpayer "grants" headed that way in return for them crawling into bed with the animal activists.
    Makes ya puke....

  5. Janis Joplin screeched out "Crybaby" back about 45 years ago. It would be a great theme song for all of Ontario's farm organizations....and a majority of their members.
