Tuesday, January 27, 2015


City cops buy back pawned wedding ring for elderly Cornwall couple


  1. Nice follow-up to yesterday's post about the coming tsunami. Shows what a lie the Liberal "social contract" really is - and it's just the beginning. The cops won't have enough pocket change to save all the baby-boomers. Either deflation will precipitate the bankruptcy of social security or hyper-inflation will destroy the purchasing power of personal savings - perhaps both in succession.

  2. Only our modern media and politicians could take yet another sickening story about the collapse of our much-vaunted social safety net and turn it into some misty-eyed "awwww, that's soooo nice'' drivel.

    Did our good councillors demand answers about why this was happening? Any angry demands from a politician at any level to fix the f****** problem immediately. Is there one "journalist" with a sufficient vestige of decency, compassion and curiosity who will undertake an investigation? Better yet, out of the thousands of Cornwall residents who will know the story by the end of this day, will at least a few of them make a ruckus about this so that it doesn't drop out of sight within 24 hours - to be replaced by another "cute" story?

    Silly me.

  3. I'm not making excuses for the paper but to some extent I understand what is going on here. The reporter is probably a recent college or university graduate working for slightly more than minimum wage and gets paid to write many stories as opposed to a few good ones because this is what sells the paper. If the comments below the story are any indicator it would appear that the intellectual curiosity of the readership has been satisfied.
