Saturday, January 5, 2019


    An important question in this year’s federal election will be whether Canadians hold the Liberal government to account for consciously inflicting an economic calamity on an energy industry that sits on the third-largest proven oil reserves in the world. The answer depends on whether the public buys into climate-change alarmism. We recently heard from a climate believer on why the answer may be no. A skeptic would agree, but for different reasons.
    In Paris, the gilets jaunes rioted against a fuel tax because the elites were concerned about the end of the world, while they worried about the end of the month. In Canada, regulatory impediments, political interference and high taxes blocked pipeline construction and therefore oil transport to overseas markets. Opposition to resource development costs jobs, economic growth and tens of billions of dollars annually that could fund health care and education. It also weakens our national security, heightens regional tensions and undermines national unity.

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