Friday, June 20, 2014

IF THE COMMENT OFFENDS YOU... might be a Liberal.
Herman Cain tells "stupid people" to stay home on Election Day.


  1. No, no. You might be a Liberal... if you think you're really smart, and informed, and believe in AGW, and love Turdeau's hair, and you have no idea that Cain is actually calling YOU stupid.

    1. Liberalism: the triumph of arrogance and conceit over capability and humility.

  2. Morons and self-styled academics? I was gonna say there's some redundancy here... ;)

  3. The post above this one really hits the nail on the head about what defines a Liberal. It's a matter of having no guts. No guts to make ones own way in the world; no guts to express your opinions; no guts to speak out about what is wrong; no guts to think independently.
    Liberal = Gutless. Period.
