Saturday, November 8, 2014


Just in case you are wondering what may be upcoming for winter 2014/ 2015.


  1. It won't matter if it's hot or cold. The eco-parasites will focus on the highs and lows and scream: "Extreme Weather"!!!!

    1. I like to point out that "Extreme Weather" has been around long before the thieves started talking about global warming. Back in the 70s when Dr. Fruitfly was telling us to prepare for an immediate ice-age, Old Crow in the Yukon experienced its highest and lowest recorded temperature within a 20 month period. Record high temperature was 32.8 °C (91.0 °F) on August 30, 1976 and the lowest was −59.4 °C (−74.9 °F) on January 5, 1975.

  2. But...But...I saw breathless little Davey Philips from EC on the tee-vee reporting that Mother Nature just would not give us 2 harsh winters in a row.
    No way that it could happen. Ever.
    If people get burnt (no pun intended) with high heating costs, dead batteries, and endless snow shovelling maybe...maybe....the great masses of brain dead will finally wake up to the fraud that global warming is.
    I say bring back stoning for the lying bastards.

  3. Well, we've had this baby tucked away since the late 1970s. She comin' outa mothballs this winter:

    1. LOL! That is one serious blower.
      Ya never know it might be out clearing the 401 yet.
      I remember the 70's....with the major highways blocked tight with back to back to back snowstorms and stranded motorists (remember it was heavy V8 engines stuck then and not "smart" cars) having to be rescued by snowmobile.
      'Frigging snow banks the height of power/Bell lines.
      Fun times....NOT!

  4. It is supposed to go down to -23 tonight and night-time temps are forecasted to stay in the -20 to -25 range for the next five nights. We are hunkered down for the winter. If I wanted an accurate prediction, there's an old Indian woman who reads tea leaves just outside of town.
