Thursday, November 20, 2014


David Stockman lays a beat-down on Hugh Hendry. Couldn'ta said it better meself.


  1. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
    Mark 8:36

    And that is exactly what all these bastards are: soul-less pieces of shit. Obama, turdo la doo, Wynne, Hudak, and hundreds and hundreds of MPs, MPPs, MLAs, Mayors, Councillors, and the movers and shakers in commerce and government bureaucracies.

    As Stockman points out: "they know what's going on". But their greed and their thirst for power and recognition overwhelms any vestigial decency and compassion - if in fact they ever possessed any at all. Sociopaths, one and all.

  2. Yes Sir Shawn! Git yer axe, and git yer guns, and git going! I wonder what the equivalent of our cabin in the bush will be for the snakes? I just don't see Monaco or Geneva or the Virgin Islands being much of a haven when the stuff really hits the fan. I hope I'm right and they get hauled out of their holes with coiled barb wire to face the music.

    1. When I was in high school I couldn't get over the horror of the French revolution. As I get older I'm starting to think that maybe it was just repaying inhumanity with all the inhumanity it deserved.

  3. There's a quote I like (Phillip of Macedon):
    Oh, how small a portion of earth will hold us when we are dead, who ambitiously seek after the whole world while we are living!
