The Canadian Landowner Alliance advocates for provincial legislation that recognizes property rights, and, that the Federal Government of Canada enshrines property rights in the Charter of Rights and freedoms.
OK. So say $200k/yr for 100 senators, including pensions, and that's at least $20 mil per yr. For 35 million Canadians, that makes a total annual cost of 60 cents per year. Seems affordable at first glance, until you consider that most Canadians, in one way or another, are also suckin' on the same tax-dollar teat.
OK. So say $200k/yr for 100 senators, including pensions, and that's at least $20 mil per yr. For 35 million Canadians, that makes a total annual cost of 60 cents per year. Seems affordable at first glance, until you consider that most Canadians, in one way or another, are also suckin' on the same tax-dollar teat.