Saturday, June 13, 2020


And haven’t we created “Frankensteins” by delegating all of our personal health decisions to our premiers and prime minister? Some leaders have behaved better than others, but in some provinces the social distancing rules have been arbitrary and nonsensical. Consider the case of the mother detained, thrown into the back of a police car, and intrusively searched – all because she let her daughter have a swing at a deserted playground. And the case of a retired man handed an expensive ticket for the “crime” of eating a muffin while sitting alone in his automobile in a Tim Horton’s parking lot. These farcical cases clearly demonstrate how unwise it is to unnecessarily delegate personal responsibilities to politicians. Perhaps most outrageous of all is the expensive ticket handed to a socially distancing pastor who was handing out food to homeless people. When these incidents are compared to the thousands of protestors and rioters now crowding together in the streets – with the blessing of the same leaders who demanded that solitary muffin-eaters be criminalized – it highlights the foolishness of abdicating our personal responsibilities to much too fallible leaders.

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