Monday, May 31, 2021


 Contemporaneously, a group of Arab families in the eastern Jerusalem neighbourhood of Shimon HaTzaddik, known in Arabic as Sheikh Jarrah, had been fighting eviction in a longstanding property dispute that was about to be ruled on by Israel’s Supreme Court.

Sensing an opportunity and seizing on it, both the PA and Hamas positioned the court decision as an assault on Muslims worldwide and, once again, encouraged their followers on social media to violently riot. Hence Israel’s claim that a real estate dispute was used to foment discord and incite violence.

And thus, the “TikTok intifada” was born with videos encouraging Palestinians to attack Israelis. And these messages were exported worldwide. Jews were attacked in Los Angeles, New York, Toronto, Montreal and elsewhere. Bloodthirsty lynch mobs roamed the streets trying spark a pogrom of the likes we haven’t seen since Kristallnacht. Unbridled anti-Semitism was on full display.


   Fauci last week didn’t explain what sort of research the respectable Chinese colleagues did perform at the Wuhan lab. By all indications, it wasn’t aimed at reducing the lethality and transmissibility of viruses, what might be called “loss of function” research.
   In addition to the U.S. taxpayer dollars sent through Fauci, the WIV received shipments of deadly pathogens from a lab in Canada by Dr. Xiangguo Qiu. These pathogens included Ebola Makona, Mayinga, Kikwit, Ivory Coast, Bundibugyo, Sudan Boniface, Sudan Gulo, MA-Ebov, GO-Ebov, GP-Sudan, Henra, Nipah Malaysia, and Nipah Bagladesh. No word from Fauci what the respectable Chinese scientists did with all that raw viral material.
  In recent days, Fauci claimed he is “not convinced” COVID-19 developed naturally. By contrast, Fauci on March 28 told Margaret Brennan of CBS News that “most emerging human viruses come from wildlife,” and “there is no evidence that suggests the virus was created in a laboratory.” The most likely explanation, Fauci said, was that the COVID-19 virus “in nature, in the wild, it adapted itself.” For embattled Americans, the shift should come as no surprise.


   Should the technocrats who pushed governments to lockdown their citizens be tried for crimes against humanity?  

One prominent German lawyer, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, who is also licensed to practice law in America, thinks they should. And he is organizing a team of thousands of participating lawyers who want to prosecute a “second Nuremberg tribunal” against a cadre of international elites responsible for what he calls the “corona fraud scandal.”

This group claims the tests used to identify COVID-19 were faulty and was used to commit crimes against humanity.

Sunday, May 30, 2021


   Journalists ask questions, examine links and act skeptically towards information being pushed by partisans, politicians, and communist regimes.
   What we’ve seen instead are the actions of anti-journalists. There have been too many examples of journalists being intellectually dishonest, morally corrupt, or acting as bad-faith propagandists who deserve to be mocked, ridiculed and ignored.
   But it doesn’t stop there. Some scientists, who are held up by many as being exempt from any political influences, admitted that they purposely avoided examining the lab leak theory sooner simply because prominent conservatives were questioning it.
   And, to add insult to injury, social media giants like Facebook admitted that they were hiding posts that talked about the lab link from their algorithm in an effort to stop the spread of “disinformation.


 The idea of replacing lost teeth with artificial ones is by all means not new. The ancient Egyptians and Phoenicians managed to bind human teeth, or ones carved from ivory, to existing teeth with gold wire and the Mayans made attempts to replace missing teeth in the lower jaw with pieces of sea shells. But only in the latter years of the 20th century would dental implants become a practical reality thanks to the discovery that metallic titanium fuses with bone without any sign of rejection.


   Corbella:  Manitoba MP Candice Bergen asked: “Well the problem is, and the prime minister maybe doesn’t realize this, is Communist China cannot be trusted. I know he admires their ‘basic dictatorship’, I know he liked to do fundraisers with them over the years, I know he thought they were the first go-to for vaccines, but at this point we would hope that he would learn a lesson and put the safety, security and protection of Canadians above this fascination he has with the Communist regime. So again, will he commit to ending this research and this co-operation with a regime that not only doesn’t have our interests in mind but actually wants to hurt Canada?”

A completely suitable question. Trudeau then accused Bergen, the Conservative MP for Portage-Lisgar, of racism — the favourite accusation meted out by likely the only world leader who has ever donned black face and brown face so many times he can’t count them.

"Mr. Speaker, yes, from the beginning of my career onwards I have worked with many Chinese Canadians and indeed had fundraisers with them and the rise in anti-Asian racism we’re seeing over the past number of months should be of concern to everyone and I would recommend that the members of the Conservative Party in their zeal to make personal attacks not start to push too far into intolerance towards Canadians of diverse origins,” said Trudeau.


It remains to be seen how serious Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is about restricting foreign speculation in Canadian housing. But polls clearly show there is strong support across Canada, and across ethnic lines, for using taxes to limit foreign capital entering the residential housing market, which is highly unaffordable in Vancouver, Toronto and elsewhere.

But even if new taxes are brought in nationally, how effective will they be if there is a world of realtors, tax lawyers, immigration consultants, notaries public and accountants leading clients through the numerous exemptions, loopholes and workarounds?

And what if enforcement of false information on declarations continues to be lax?


Unable to build apartments for less than the cost of a mansion, Los Angeles launched a pilot program to build 8x8 aluminum sheds for the homeless for only $130,000 each. The average cost of a home in LA is $500 per square foot. The aluminum sheds with 64 square feet of space managed to completely blow that away. But the no-bid contract probably helped.

Since apartments were too expensive and even tiny homes cost too much, LA turned to tents.

The homeless had been setting up their own tent encampments for free. So the city launched a pilot program to have the government set up tents for the homeless for only $2,600 per tent.


 What’s the point of being a cop anymore? The media runs quotidian stories, apocryphal at best, of police brutality (sorry about the SAT words but I only have five and use them when I can). Liberal celebrities and politicians hamstring cops at every turn. Lefty politicians regurgitate the myth of “systemic racism” in policing anytime someone points a camera at them.

Most of our major cities have seen ridiculous spikes in police retirements. In Chicago, 560 cops retired last year, a 15% increase from the previous year. In New York, 2,500 officers said goodbye in 2020, almost double the number in 2019. As my colleague, Rick Moran pointed out, 200 cops in Minneapolis have retired since the death of George Floyd. Victoria Taft told us the same thing regarding Portland. It’s happening all over the country and I don’t blame them

Why are so many cops leaving the job? Because it’s the smart thing to do. Here are some very good reasons to not be a cop in the United States these days.


'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host examines how the left uses 'science' to push their agenda.


   Australia's out-of-control mouse plague is worsening in New South Wales, a southeastern Australian state, as experts warn the fast-spreading rodents could overwhelm the area for two years if urgent extermination action is not taken, according to Daily Mail.
   Xavier Martin, the New South Wales Farmers (NSW Farmers) vice president, said farmers are abandoning their fields and barns as a biblical wave of mice devour the region's crop before it can be harvested. He said now is the perfect time to stop the plague.
   "Farmers are abandoning some paddocks and cannot hold off winter crop sowing a moment longer, and researchers warn that without a concerted baiting effort in the next few weeks, this could easily turn into a two-year plague event.

Saturday, May 29, 2021


 According to Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond, director of the Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission that was set up in 2008 to find out what happened in residential schools was told 50 deaths occurred at the Kamloops institution.

She said "massive ongoing problems" with historical records, including those "held by certain Catholic entities that they will not release" have made it very hard to understand accurately what happened.

Turpel-Lafond said the discovery confirms what community survivors have said for years — that many children went to the school and never returned. She also said federal agents often moved children around, so it is possible some of those found are from other First Nations communities.


The Daily Caller News Foundation and one of its reporters, Thomas Catenacci, is suing Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) over her decision to only grant interviews to 'black or brown journalists.'

The lawsuit, filed by Daily Caller and Judicial Watch in the US District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, alleges that Lightfoot's denial violates the plaintiffs' First Amendment rights, as well as Catenacci's right to equal protection under the Fourteenth Amendment.


    Dianne Francis: An investment guru once told me that when a public company provides a jet, cars and drivers for its executives, and spends a fortune on consultants, it’s time to short the stock. The same applies to Canada, a nation state with lousy leadership and soaring consultant fees, because few, if any, of our federal political leaders know what they’re doing.

Last month, my colleague Jesse Snyder wrote a piece about the staggering increase in public salaries and third-party consultancy fees paid by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government since 2015. According to the latest budget, the costs for “professional and special services” are expected to hit $16.4 billion by 2022, which is up from $9.5 billion when Trudeau took over in 2015 and represents the highest level of spending on consultants since the 1990s.

Why do the Liberals need so many public servants and consultants? The underlying reason for all this is that the Trudeau government cannot run a pop stand and his cabinet is run by amateurs. Many ministers — who make $270,000 a year plus a huge expense account, along with a car and driver — are there for one of two reasons: they are either buddies of the prime minister, or Gerald Butts, Trudeau’s former chief of staff.

Friday, May 28, 2021


From the Fraser Institute:  The key event of 2020 was the COVID19 virus and its impacts on health, mortality rates, economies, and government budgets. From the first reports of a pneumonia of unknown origin in Wuhan, China, the COVID19 pandemic grew and spread to countries around the world, becoming a global storm affecting health and economic performance. Indeed, there is some debate amongst public health officials and epidemiologists as to when the virus began spreading from its origin point. By April of 2021, the tally reached 129 million infections and 2.8 million deaths. This study examines the pandemic by comparing the performance of countries in terms of (1) infection rates and mortality rates; (2) the response to dealing with the pandemic in terms of the strategies employed—testing and restrictions; (3) the severity of the economic shock (changes in GDP); and (4) the economic and fiscal response by governments to the economic shock brought about by the pandemic. As well, regression analysis is employed to assess the relationship between key indicators of the effect of the pandemic on the economy and the response of mitigating measures on the pandemic and the economy. The evidence and results in this study offer some early and tentative analysis as to the effects of the pandemic, differences in international impacts and containment efforts, and the economic and fiscal impacts and effectiveness of associated responses.


 Poilievre asked about Brookfield’s investment in pipelines in Brazil and the UAE and why Carney supported those projects and not Northern Gateway.

“What you are saying is that you oppose pipelines in Canada, but you support them in the UAE and in Brazil — that’s a double standard,” Poilievre said.

“It’s not a double standard and I grew up in Alberta,” Carney replied.

“Ya… I grew up in Alberta, too, and I can tell you people there would be ashamed with that answer,” Poilievre added.


 OTTAWA – Liberal MP William Amos says he is seeking assistance after he was caught urinating on camera during House of Commons proceedings, less than two months after appearing completely naked on a similar feed during question period.


Finally, vaccination passports are an unnecessary intrusion into what is left of our civil liberties—liberties that have been savaged during this pandemic. We have all seen the old shows about totalitarian states where a Gestapo-type officer demands to see one’s “papers.” That is where we are heading with concepts like vaccination passports. The unvaccinated will become the new untouchables. And if passports demand proof of vaccination, they can also be expanded to demand proof of many other things that are simply none of the government’s businessBest not to go there.

In Israel, vaccine passports are already redundant.


   To mitigate the economic downturn caused by the pandemic, the Bank of Canada cut interest rates three times in 2020. As a result, the five-year fixed-rate mortgage, the most common mortgage in Canada, has remained below two per cent over the past year.
   Canadians, predictably, rushed to seize the opportunity. No one can blame them, given that the prospect of becoming homeowners gets more difficult with every generation. What happened next is Econ 101: a demand shock overwhelmed the supply and prices rose. The average home is 25 per cent more expensive than in 2020.
   But that is not all. Pandemic-containment measures also changed the housing market’s behaviour.
   While the monthly cost of homeownership declined, lockdowns prevented families from spending on travel, leisure, restaurants and other treats. Then remote work and online education encouraged households to invest those pandemic-induced savings in bigger homes, where they were spending all day. With skyrocketing prices, speculation kicked in.

Thursday, May 27, 2021


 A woman has filed a $1.25 million lawsuit against the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation, alleging that, while she was a scholarship student, she was sexually harassed by her mentor and the foundation then pressured her to sign a non-disclosure agreement to keep it quiet.

Cherry Smiley, 38, is a member of the Nlaka’pamux Nation in British Columbia and the Dine’ Nation. She received a scholarship to the foundation in 2016, when she was in the second year of her PhD program at Concordia University in Montreal. She alleges she was sexually harassed by her mentor, Stephen Kakfwi, the former premier of the Northwest Territories, and the foundation tried to get her to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

“They told her that it would be ‘bad for her’ if ‘this got out’ and that ‘Kakfwi could sue her’ and that the Foundation ‘could be accused of racism by Mr. Kakfwi,'” the lawsuit says. “They attempted to minimize the sexual harassment, telling her that it was just a ‘cultural misunderstanding.'”


Michael Capuzzo, a New York Times best-selling author , has just published an article titled “The Drug That Cracked Covid”. The 15-page article chronicles the gargantuan struggle being waged by frontline doctors on all continents to get ivermectin approved as a Covid-19 treatment, as well as the tireless efforts by reporters, media outlets and social media companies to thwart them.

Because of ivermectin, Capuzzo says, there are “hundreds of thousands, actually millions, of people around the world, from Uttar Pradesh in India to Peru to Brazil, who are living and not dying.” Yet media outlets have done all they can to “debunk” the notion that ivermectin may serve as an effective, easily accessible and affordable treatment for Covid-19. They have parroted the arguments laid out by health regulators around the world that there just isn’t enough evidence to justify its use.

For his part, Capuzzo, as a reporter, “saw with [his] own eyes the other side [of the story]” that has gone unreported, of the many patients in the US whose lives have been saved by ivermectin and of five of the doctors that have led the battle to save lives around the world, Paul Marik, Umberto Meduri, José Iglesias, Pierre Kory and Joe Varon. These are all highly decorated doctors. Through their leadership of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) Alliance, they have already enhanced our treatment of Covid-19 by discovering and promoting the use of Corticoid steroids against the virus. But their calls for ivermectin to also be used have met with a wall of resistance from healthcare regulators and a wall of silence from media outlets.


In a landmark ruling, the European Court of Human Rights has declared that bulk communications gathering by Britain’s GCHQ spy agency was illegal, proving whistleblower Edward Snowden right, and prompting more calls for the former NSA contractor to be pardoned.
    "Today, Mr @Snowden's courageous whistleblowing is vindicated as is the tireless work of Big Brother Watch and our allies in this pursuit of justice. Mr Snowden clearly deserves the protection of democratic nations across Europe for his selfless defence of human rights.
   "We welcome the judgment that the UK’s surveillance regime was unlawful, but the missed opportunity for the Court to prescribe clearer limitations and safeguards mean that risk is current and real."
   "We will continue our work to protect privacy, from parliament to the courts, until intrusive mass surveillance practices are ended.”

Wednesday, May 26, 2021


   OTTAWA — The Bloc Quebecois failed to unanimously pass a motion recognizing Quebec’s right to unilaterally change the Constitution in line with proposed reforms to the province’s language law.
   Leader Yves-Francois Blanchet tabled a motion Wednesday in the House of Commons asking lawmakers to recognize that right, but confronted a single, critical “nay” from a lone member of Parliament.
   Independent MP Jody Wilson-Raybould scuppered the unanimity required for a motion tabled without official notice.
   In a Twitter post minutes later, she said political partisanship and “pandering” have led lawmakers “to abandon core legal norms” and debate on constitutional issues.


 Doug Ford and his appalling rat-pack of fart-catching members of the Ontario legislature, plus Jason Kenney in Alberta and Brian Pallister in Manitoba, take the cake for scoldy, smarmy, elitist "leadership". Plus, the entire Canadian media is giving Prime Minister Hairdo a pass, ignoring re-openings in America and the UK. A great many people here are profiting from lockdowns and love the limelight. As Mark pointed out earlier this week, the fact that Canadians have been going to America for free vaccines lays complete waste to the idea that the Canadian healthcare system is just sooooo wonderful. None of the members of the government-funded eunuch media want to puncture the "Canadians are so "nice/better/kinder/insert-your-choice-smug-word here" delusion.


   Fraser Institute: The key event of 2020 was the COVID19 virus and its impacts on health, mortality rates, economies, and government budgets. From the first reports of a pneumonia of unknown origin in Wuhan, China, the COVID19 pandemic grew and spread to countries around the world, becoming a global storm affecting health and economic performance. Indeed, there is some debate amongst public health officials and epidemiologists as to when the virus began spreading from its origin point. By April of 2021, the tally reached 129 million infections and 2.8 million deaths. This study examines the pandemic by comparing the performance of countries in terms of (1) infection rates and mortality rates; (2) the response to dealing with the pandemic in terms of the strategies employed—testing and restrictions; (3) the severity of the economic shock (changes in GDP); and (4) the economic and fiscal response by governments to the economic shock brought about by the pandemic.


California Gov. Gavin Newsom has been ordered by a federal judge to pay $1.35 million for the lockdown of 3,000 churches amid the coronavirus pandemic, which has been deemed discriminatory.

Newsom is required to pay the costs and attorney fees for a lawsuit from Harvest Rock Church that went to the United States Supreme Court. The judge said Newsom and other state officials cannot regulate church attendance unless certain dire circumstances laid out were to arise, which is not likely.


 Video commentator Paul Joseph Watson is back with another brilliant short video eviscerating the dangerous lunacy of the Left. This time he takes on the cult-like behavior of the self-righteously COVID-vaccinated. Check it out, and prepare to be entertained and enlightened.

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous, rather than cowardly."

Tuesday, May 25, 2021


“If lockdowns work, how come we still have another lockdown? And if lockdowns don’t work, how come we are having a lockdown?” ~ Max Bernier, Canada’s only functioning politician. -

“The WHO tapped an “independent panel” (the fix was already in: the panel’s head is former New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark) to figure out what the world did right and did wrong in response to Covid-19. The final report has all the expected verbiage about the needs for more global coordination and largesse going to public health.

The key conclusion follows:   “Every country should apply non-pharmaceutical measures systematically and rigorously at the scale the epidemiological situation requires, with an explicit evidence-based strategy agreed at the highest level of government…”


   An investigation being conducted at the top levels of the British government into British academia is expected to result in the arrests of Chinese “spies”, who are believed to have passed military technological secrets to the communist regime in Beijing.
   It was later revealed that 200 British academics were allegedly under investigation for sharing tech with the communist regime.
     Imperial College London — which signed a £5 million deal with CCP-linked tech giant Huawei last year — was revealed to have at least “four research centres sponsored by major Chinese weapons suppliers”, which included the development of next-generation stealth technology for China’s air force.

Monday, May 24, 2021


Ottawa can’t get out of its purchase agreement with AstraZeneca, nor with other COVID-vaccine makers whose shots might not get used in Canada’s fight against the pandemic, according to a senior official from Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC).

The federal government paid $163.6 million for 20 million doses of AstraZeneca’s vaccine, according to the per-dose price mentioned in an email by a member of the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO).

In March, the Canadian Press reported that the Public Health Agency of Canada expected to spend $5 billion on vaccines and other COVID-19 treatments. The federal budget released on April 19 said more than $9 billion has been spent on vaccine procurement.

Canada bought more doses for its population than any other country in the world, a point that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and members of his cabinet have proudly cited in their defense against criticism of how they’ve handled the pandemic.


 A State Department fact sheet released near the end of the Trump administration had said “the U.S. government has reason to believe that several researchers inside the  Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) became sick in autumn 2019, before the first identified case of the outbreak, with symptoms consistent with both COVID-19 and common seasonal illnesses.” It did not say how many researchers.


   Even though RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki has vowed that there is "no room" for sexual assault and harassment in her organization, the penalties meted out to Mounties for sexual misconduct vary widely and range from dismissal all the way down to transfers and pay cuts.
   A CBC News review of publicly available RCMP conduct board decisions also found that the reasons cited for retaining an RCMP officer found to have engaged in sexual misconduct can be quite subjective and can include evaluations of on-duty performance, past misconduct allegations or expressions of remorse.
   Over the past five years, six Mounties found guilty of discreditable sexual activity by the conduct board have been let go for their actions. One captured and printed a photo of a naked woman being held in a detachment's detox cells. Another exposed himself to a subordinate, pulled her ponytail and asked her to perform oral sex.
  Another 14 RCMP officers have been punished for sexual misconduct while ultimately being allowed to stay on. Their conduct ranged from non-consensual touching to voyeurism to starting a relationship with a minor.


A California lawmaker demonstrated why liberals are totally unqualified to opine on the 2nd Amendment, much craft legislation restricting citizens' rights.

In a now-deleted tweet, California Assemblyman David Chiu dramatically posted: "Finding the discarded packaging of a semi-automatic on a leisurely weekend walk was disturbing, particularly during this month's surge of gun violence in San Francisco."

Sunday, May 23, 2021


A survivor of one of China's modern-day concentration camps has revealed the beatings, rapes and 'disappearances' she witnessed behind the barbed wire. 

Sayragul Sauytbay was born in China's north-western province and trained as a doctor before being appointed a senior civil servant.

The mother-of-two's life was upended in November 2017 when she was ordered into a concentration camp to teach prisoners, mostly Kazakhs and Uyghurs, in one of the region's estimated 1,200 gulags. 

 The internment camps of Xinjiang are estimated to house three million Kazakhs and Uyghurs who are subjected to medical experiments, torture and rape.



  • In 2021, the average Canadian family will earn $124,659 in income and pay an estimated $48,757 in total taxes (39.1%).
  • If the average Canadian family had to pay its taxes up front, it would have worked until May 23 to pay the total tax bill imposed on it by all three levels of government (federal, provincial, and local).
  • This means that Tax Freedom Day, the day in the year when the average Canadian family has earned enough money to pay the taxes imposed on it, falls on May 24.


Essentially labs were running as many cycles as necessary to achieve a positive result of a Covid 19 diagnosis, despite experts warning that this was pointless (even Fauci himself said anything over 35 cycles is meaningless).

But NOW, and only for fully vaccinated people, the CDC will only accept samples achieved from 28 cycles or fewer. That can only be a deliberate decision in order to decrease the number of “breakthrough infections” being officially recorded.

Secondly, asymptomatic or mild infections will no longer be recorded as “covid cases”.

That’s right. Even if a sample collected at the low CT value of 28 can be sequenced into the virus alleged to cause Covid19, the CDC will no longer be keeping records of breakthrough infections that don’t result in hospitalization or death.


 Controlled Demolition, Inc. (CDI) of Phoenix, Maryland, USA (acting as Explosives Design and Performance Subcontractor to Main Demolition Contractor, Dallas Demolition of Houston, Texas who was working for RiverCap Ventures of Rocky River, Ohio, the General Demolition Contractor) performs the successful explosives felling of 90, Mitsubishi 1000A Wind Turbines in New Mexico.


Tim Stephens is now the third pastor in Alberta to have been imprisoned for continuing to worship in defiance of restrictions implemented by the Government of Alberta and Alberta Health Services.

The Western Standard reported that alongside Pastor Artur Pawlowski, Pastor James Coates and Chris Scott of the Whistle Stop Café, Pastor Tim Stephens has been specifically targeted by Health Minister Tyler Shandro as a high-profile rule violator.

The idea that officials are selectively applying the law to certain individuals in order to make a point is extremely problematic, a concern which has drawn immense international scrutiny to the questionable governance of an already embattled United Conservative Party caucus.


Color me shocked. At the beginning of the pandemic, the government and insurers put several policies in place that made sense to determine disease prevalence, which included widespread testing. Hospitals correctly did preemptive testing to determine the correct infection control protocols to use with individual patients. However, other mandates paired this with perverse financial incentives that provided additional funding for COVID-19 care. The original COVID-19 relief package created a 20% premium that included probable cases and laboratory-confirmed cases for Medicare patients. Several large health insurers also waived copays and coinsurance for care related to COVID-19

.The motives for these reimbursement policies were, in all probability, principled. Hospitals were shut down for many elective and non-emergency procedures, reducing their income. The cost of care for severe COVID-19 in an intensive care unit is also extraordinary. Trying to preserve the health system and insulate families from crippling medical costs was undoubtedly noble. However, being in the hospital with COVID-19 and being in the hospital for COVID-19 are two completely different situations and the reimbursement policies made no distinction.

Public health bureaucrats’ failure to distinguish between being hospitalized with or for COVID-19 and dying with or of the virus undoubtedly cost taxpayers billions of dollars in reimbursement. These statistics were also used on particular cable news channels to stoke panic, extend draconian mitigation methods, and as a political cudgel.


Emily Wilder graduated from Stanford last year. At the beginning of May, she landed a job working for Associated Press. Two weeks later, she found herself fired because conservatives discovered her wildly pro-Palestinian social media activity while in college. She’s figured out that she was “canceled” but cannot grasp that this happened because conservatives have finally adopted leftist tactics.

If one assumes that Wilder was a journalism major, she should have known better than to show herself a wild partisan in college. As it was, she so blatantly violated the AP’s requirement that its employees appear impartial (outside of their wildly biased writing, of course) that the AP immediately fired her. Additionally, AP must know that Israel has proof that it was working closely with Hamas in Gaza, both to obtain stories from it and to protect it. That made Wilder, who was tied to a Hamas-friendly organization, way too toxic.


 Sajjan will soon be gone, the latest resignation in a government that has lost more senior personnel than any other in the history of Westminster parliaments: a governor general, finance minister, attorney general, health minister, clerk of the privy council, principal secretary to the prime minister, two chiefs of the defense staff — one just outgoing and the other just incoming — and now the pandemic vaccine logistics chief.

Even more remarkable is the fact that the parade was not sparked by one massive scandal, but rather a series of enormous, but separate, scandals.

Who’s next? At the head of the queue is the prime minister’s chief of staff, Katie Telford, who in 2018 seemed determinedly incurious about the Vance allegations. Sajjan will go, in part, to save Telford.

Saturday, May 22, 2021


About six weeks ago, the WHO promised to issue updated guidance about ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug that many believe is a panacea for COVID-19. “This drug has broad spectrum activity,” they admitted, “and this is why it can be used at the early stage of the disease, trying to prevent the severe disease,” but of course, they said, as they have said from the start, more studies are needed to determine if it actually works. “We need more clinical trials.” That was their guidance six months ago, that was their guidance six weeks ago, and that is the same horseshit they regurgitated when they finally issued their updated guidance Wednesday, on the heels of some Philippines-specific guidance WHO had issued the very day before, serving to muddy those murky waters.

It seems criminal, when there is conclusive evidence that treating disease early can entirely mitigate deleterious impacts and even prevent morbidity, that the current guidance from our health authorities, a year since this crisis began to unfold here, is still to basically ignore COVID-19 until it gets bad enough to warrant an ER visit. Even when doctors dare to prescribe ivermectin, their patients often find that the pharmacy refuses to fill the prescription. Some COVID victims have been forced to petition courts to compel pharmacies to fill the prescriptions, or to force hospitals to provide treatment they otherwise withhold, while some pharmacies have instituted a policy to fill prescriptions for the drug only if explicitly specified that it is not used for COVID. What happened to the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship?


"New Blue MPP Belinda Karahalios blasted the motion as an underhanded attempt by the PCs to ram through extended emergency powers while everyone was distracted by the reopening plan announcement, and just before a long weekend."


The Brothers Keepers, the United Nations and the Red Scorpion-Kang group are just some of the B.C. gangs that have turned public spaces across the Lower Mainland into battlegrounds.


   On May 19, the Washington Post ran an op-ed by James Hohmann titled “Don’t Pay People To Get the Covid Vaccine. Shame Them.” The Post has changed the title of this piece to “The Moral Hazard of Vaccine Giveaways,” but I’m afraid they’ve already let their real message leak out. Besides, the original title is still in the article’s URL.
   Shame those anti-science morons who refuse to follow the government-recommended procedure of protecting themselves against a disease they are extremely unlikely to get with an emergency-use authorization vaccine that has not been tested over a significant period of time. “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” says the Washington Post masthead, as they gleefully run around unscrewing light bulbs.
   I don’t know what the long-term effects of this vaccine will be. I’d rather be safe than sorry. Does this make me selfish?


   The U.S. Department of Commerce is seeking to double tariff rates against most Canadian softwood producers even as lumber prices hover around record highs.
   In a decision on Friday for preliminary new rates, the Commerce Department raised the combined duties for most Canadian lumber producers to 18.32 per cent, compared with the current 8.99 per cent.
  The proposed rates will not take effect immediately since they are subject to further review over the next six months before final duties are set.
   Two-by-fours made from Western spruce, pine and fir sold last week for a record US$1,640 for 1,000 board feet, according to industry newsletter Madison’s Lumber Reporter. Those benchmark prices stayed flat this week, but they have shot up 340 per cent since mid-May of 2020.


 Imagine the shrieking and handwringing that would follow an announcement by any other province (but particularly by Alberta) if it were to declare itself English only. The charges of racism and disunity would be deafening.

But Quebec proposes to alter the national Constitution to declare itself French only and our prime minister, Justin Trudeau, says “it is perfectly legitimate … something they can do.”

(FYI, wimpy Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole said pretty much the same thing. He says the same thing as the Liberals on almost every major issue.)

Friday, May 21, 2021


   The federal government’s cyber spies advised Australia would have had to put 300 separate security measures on Huawei’s equipment to make it safe for the nation’s 5G system but the network could still have been shut down on Beijing’s orders.
   The Australian Signals Directorate spent more than eight months trying to find a way to make the Chinese company’s telecommunications equipment acceptably safe but ultimately told the Turnbull government the risk could not be contained satisfactorily.
   Australia was the first country to ban Huawei from its 5G system in 2018, a decision many more have followed. The government of Chinese President Xi Jinping continues to demand that Canberra reverse the veto. It is number two on a list of 14 demands released by the Chinese embassy in Canberra in November as a prerequisite to improving relations. Number one on the list calls for China’s foreign investment to be unrestricted.


Who decided the nearly uniform messages we hear on the pandemic and what to do about it? Our politicians defer to doctors who, in turn, look to the World Health Organization (WHO). When we realize who pays the WHO, the senselessness makes sense.

Leave it to the Ontario premier to state plainly what we all knew to be true.

“I’ll be very frank, there’s no politician in this country who’s going to disagree with their chief medical officer. They just aren’t going to do it. They might as well throw a rope around their neck and jump off a bridge. They’re done. I’m telling you the facts,” he said on March 21.

All right, so doctors have usurped democracy. At least they’re thinking independently and using their best judgment, right? OK, maybe not.


 The controversial math test mandated by Ontario's provincial education ministry rolled out online in early May after a year of delay caused by the pandemic.

The education ministry says the  multiple-choice math test is one element of a plan to improve math skills among students that also includes a revised elementary curriculum and the introduction of math coaches, online tutoring for students and professional development for teachers.

“Math is a foundational skill, which is why we instituted a new $200 million plan to lift math scores for students and improved teacher training and standards — including an expectation that new educators meet a grade nine math standard,” said Caitlin Clark, a spokesperson for Education Minister Stephen Lecce, in a statement.


A BBC journalist used deceit to win a sensational 1995 interview with Princess Diana in which she disclosed intimate details of her failed marriage to Prince Charles and the broadcaster covered up the deception, an inquiry found on Thursday.

Dyson’s report found that Bashir, then a little-known reporter, had shown Spencer fake bank statements suggesting that Diana was being bugged by the security services and that two senior aides were being paid to provide information about her

 After it was aired, Bashir repeatedly lied to his bosses about how the interview was obtained, the report said. As questions continued, BBC managers failed to scrutinize his version of events properly and covered up facts about how Bashir had secured the interview.


 Parents who have a COVID-19 vaccination booked can now bring their children aged 12 to 17 to the clinic to get a dose of Pfizer.

However, Henry said youth would not need parental or guardian consent to be vaccinated, as the Infants Act in B.C. allows a child or youth to consent to medical treatment including immunizations as long as they are given information. She said if a youth turns up alone at a clinic a public health nurse will explain the vaccination process and associated risks.


Pete Buttigieg, President Joe Biden’s Transportation Secretary, insisted Thursday, while testifying before the Senate Banking Committee, the administration’s stance is that pipeline is the “best way to go,” just not the Keystone XL Pipeline, which the president revoked, killing thousands of jobs.


Dr. Pierre Kory and his colleagues at the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) are leading an effort to assess the effectiveness of ivermectin as a prophylactic against and treatment for COVID and to communicate to the public the mounting evidence of its efficacy. (Ivermectin is well known as an anti-parasitic, and millions of doses are distributed annually in complete safety.)

Meta-analyses based on 18 randomized controlled treatment trials of ivermectin in COVID-19 have found large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance. Furthermore, results from numerous controlled prophylaxis trials report significantly reduced risks of contracting COVID-19 with regular use of ivermectin. Finally, the many examples of ivermectin distribution campaigns leading to rapid population-wide decreases in morbidity and mortality indicate that an oral agent effective in all phases of COVID-19 has been identified.


Following the transatlantic riots and protests after the death of George Floyd last summer, campaigners had hoped that the “controversial” monument would be permanently removed.

Despite the College itself expressing a desire to remove the statue, in addition to a ruling by an independent commission which came to the same conclusion, Rhodes is safe for the time being because of the costs associated with expelling him from the Grade II listed High Street building.

“The governing body has carefully considered the regulatory and financial challenges, including the expected time frame for removal, which could run into years with no certainty of outcome, together with the total cost of removal,” said a statement by the College.

Thursday, May 20, 2021


 Nothing can be allowed to get in the way of Project Majority.

For Justin Trudeau, every situation is viewed through the lens: “How does this affect my chances of being re-elected with a majority.”

The impact on the nation’s governance, finances and now its Constitution are subordinate considerations.


 For years, ultra-wealthy Canadians — aided by high-priced accounting and tax law firms — have been setting up offshore shell companies in the Isle of Man so they can dodge taxes back home, avoid paying future creditors (such as ex-spouses) and hide their identities.

Now, MPs on the House of Commons finance committee appear ready to try to dismantle that shield of secrecy.

Politicians from all parties agreed early in May to open a long-dormant probe into Isle of Man tax shelters. They were reacting to recent reports suggesting the self-governing British Crown dependency's strict confidentiality laws did more than help rich Canadians avoid taxes — that they may also have helped fraudsters embezzle more than $500 million from investors.


What if everything the government told you about why it’s racking up huge deficits and debts wasn’t actually true? Dr. Ian Lee, a professor at Carleton University’s Sprott School of Business, explains how the federal Liberals’ recent budget is about to spend more than $100 billion solving problems that don’t actually exist — while ignoring real ones that threaten a very troubling future for Canadians.


 Here we go again, in that dreary cycle where a barrage of Hamas rockets at Israeli civilians causes a barrage of media rhetoric against Israel. What part of “Death to Jews” do they not understand?

Seriously. Most Western media outlets misrepresent the conflict in ways that can only strengthen the hand of those bent on wiping the Jewish state and its inhabitants off the map. From headlines like “Israel pounds Gaza with heavy strikes as conflict enters second week” to sneering insinuations that Biden is retrograde in backing Israel, the press scrupulously avoids noting that the violence began with Hamas and will end, as Golda Meir reputedly said, “when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”

Then there’s the trope where people condemn Israel, then Hamas, then call on Israel to stop defending itself. It’s a simulacrum of balance whose practical impact is Israel’s enemies get free hits until one day they carry out the “war of extermination and momentous massacre” Arab League Secretary-General Azzam Pasha promised in 1948, the first of many occasions when the Palestinians were offered a state and said no, war of conquest first, talk of peace later.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021


   The Church of Sweden has published an open letter signed by a long list of priests, deacons, and other church staff, proudly announcing that it is “trans.”
   Whatever that means.
   The Church of Sweden represents Europe’s largest Lutheran denomination and the letter was published on the Västerås diocese’s official website.
   “We write to you from a church that is also trans. A church is made up of people. People are different. We have confirmees, employees, churchwardens, elected representatives, non-profits, and other parishioners who define themselves as trans people. The church also consists of trans people. Therefore, the church could be described as trans,” the letter said.


 At a time when the consequences of surging inflation are finally being felt by the population angered by higher gas prices, the International Energy Agency - an influential NGO first launched to respond to global oil supply shocks back in the early 70s during the oil crisis - has just published a report warning that if the world wants to achieve the goals laid out in the Paris Climate Accord (which President Biden just rejoined), all new oil and gas exploration projects must stop.


 “I have lost a lot of patients on the wait list,” said Wijeysundera, an interventional cardiologist who also heads cardiac care at Toronto’s Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. “Patients have died because we’ve had to make decisions about who is the person we have to treat first … Those patients and their families deserve recognition that they are victims of this pandemic, too.”

In fact, soon-to-be-published data indicates that twice as many Ontarians with heart ailments passed away waiting for surgery during the pandemic than before COVID-19 hit, he said.

According to Ontario’s Financial Accountability Office, the province’s surgical backlog will have reached 419,000 by September. Erasing that deficit will take $1.1 billion and three and a half years, the office estimated in a recent report.


 To be fair, Trudeau accomplished something no one else has: convince travelers to pay thousands of dollars to avoid hotel stays. Flipping the hospitality industry’s entire economic model on its head was no easy feat. It involved word-of-mouth marketing about loopholes, rebranding perfectly nice places as hellholes, and the shrewdness to set fines high enough to price out the average person without seriously inconveniencing wealthier ones. He even created a fun game of high-stakes roulette where, depending on which province you land in, you may not get a fine at all.


The Line 5 controversy highlights Justin Trudeau’s failure to protect one of the most important sectors of Canada’s economy. His infatuation with climate change apocalypse has left Canada’s energy sector at the mercy of partisan American politics. The Line 5 battle has also made it clear that new export pipelines are no longer just an Alberta issue. Forty-five per cent of all the oil used by Ontario and Quebec comes through Line 5. If Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer ever succeeds in shutting the pipeline down, there would be economic chaos in both provinces.

Our prime minister has no credibility to challenge either Whitmer or President Joe Biden on the Line 5 shutdown. Trudeau is the Gretchen Whitmer of Canada. Everything she talks about doing to shut down Canada’s oil and gas sector, Trudeau has actually done! Why didn’t our prime minister directly phone Biden to request help with Line 5? He knew the White House would not pick up the phone.

Whitmer and her anti-pipeline allies may have lost this round, as Line 5 is still operating, but their “defeat” adds to and strengthens the Blockadia movement’s narrative to stigmatize and block oil pipelines from Canada.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021


    Two decades ago, as Apple’s operations chief, Mr. Cook spearheaded the company’s entrance into China, a move that helped make Apple the most valuable company in the world and made him the heir apparent to Steve Jobs. Apple now assembles nearly all of its products and earns a fifth of its revenue in the China region. But just as Mr. Cook figured out how to make China work for Apple, China is making Apple work for the Chinese government.
    Mr. Cook often talks about Apple’s commitment to civil liberties and privacy. But to stay on the right side of Chinese regulators, his company has put the data of its Chinese customers at risk and has aided government censorship in the Chinese version of its App Store. After Chinese employees complained, it even dropped the “Designed by Apple in California” slogan from the backs of iPhones.
    China’s leader, Xi Jinping, is increasing his demands on Western companies, and Mr. Cook has resisted those demands on a number of occasions. But he ultimately approved the plans to store customer data on Chinese servers and to aggressively censor apps, according to interviews with current and former Apple employees.


    In 2000, RCMP Const. Justin Harris crossed paths with a young Indigenous girl I can only identify by her initials: C.C. As a result, Harris would later be suspended and subjected to a disciplinary hearing convened by the RCMP’s adjudication board. The board imposed a publication ban.
   Sixteen years later, C.C. has died from natural causes, her father wants to lift the publication ban, Harris wants to lift the publication ban, and the federal government has agreed to do so.
   Despite the consensus, the ban remains firmly in place.
   As the legal maxim goes, justice delayed is justice denied. Delays are a well documented problem for the RCMP. The commissioner’s review and release of CRCC reports is now so long that the average wait time is 538 days. Between 2016 and 2019, the number of access to information requests unanswered for a year grew by more than 1,000 per cent.     (link fixed)

What went wrong in the case of Const. Justin Harris? And how systemic are the problems in the RCMP discipline process?   Podcast here.


Canada’s federal government has brought remixed racism to Global Affairs Canada under the guise of anti-racism training. Canadian officials in Ottawa are being taught that perfectionism, a sense of urgency, individualism, worship of the written word, and objectivity are characteristics of white supremacy culture. In other words, the Government of Canada is using taxpayer dollars to teach that race and culture are one in the same, and certain ideas associated with hard work, science, and democracy are incompatible with non-white cultures.

What exactly does Global Affairs Canada think is going to happen when their diplomats and officials carry this paternalistic attitude with them overseas? Picture Canadian representatives telling the nations of Africa and Asia that the foundational idea of civil rights, individualism, is white supremacy. Or imagine Canada’s trading partners being informed that they might be white supremacists if they demonstrate a sense of urgency or fondness for objective reasoning. And what might the world’s Christians, Muslims, and Jews who believe in holy scriptures think of the Government of Canada labelling worship of the written word as “white.”


Across the United Kingdom, where 30 per cent of the population is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, people are free to begin “cuddling cautiously,” pubs are reopening and millions are socializing again as the country further exits a grim four-month lockdown.

In the U.S., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has said the fully vaccinated, roughly 37 per cent of Americans as of Monday, may, with some exceptions, safely drop their masks, stop distancing and gather inside with people with whom they do not live. Fans are distancing at baseball stadiums, Broadway is set for a September reopening and county fairs across New York State are set to resume this summer.

Canadians, meanwhile, have been told they can look forward to a similar taste of pre-COVID life, though not until 75 per cent of those eligible for vaccines have achieved full vaccination status, meaning two weeks after the final vaccine dose. As of Monday, that figure stood at less than four per cent.

The 75 per cent fully vaccinated threshold is based on modelling projections “with lots of different parameters and assumptions to fill in,” Canada’s chief public health officer, Dr. Theresa Tam, said Friday.  “But I think having an aspirational target is really a good thing for everyone to aim for,” she said.


The federal government is looking to train 2,000 more people to do energy audits as it tries to get a new green home renovation program off the ground.

Natural Resources Minister Seamus O'Regan says the government will provide up to $10 million in contracts to recruit, train and mentor 2,000 energy advisers to advise people how to cut their home energy use.

It is but a mere fraction of the $40,000, interest-free loan program for home-energy retrofits Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised during the 2019 federal election.

Energy retrofits could include installing better windows, improving insulation, upgrading to a more efficient furnace or adding solar panels.


 Fears over a declining French-Canadian population underpins the identity politics behind Quebec’s Bill 21, which bans religious symbols in the public service. It also has the potential to undermine the federal government’s new, and economically unjustifiable, plan to boost immigration to 400,000 immigrants annually for the next three years and presumably beyond.

Ironically, Quebec already has control over immigration to the province and favours French-language speakers. The province also requires immigrant children to attend French-language schools. And yet, the shift appears unrelenting, as immigrants, as well as some francophones, continue to opt for English.

Bill 96 aims to stop this slide toward English. It would require retailers to deal with customers predominantly in French, force immigrants to interact with the government in French only after six months in the country and restrict the growing proportion of francophone Quebecers who are switching to English-language CEGEPs for their post-secondary education. (In 2017, a Quebec auditor general’s report estimated that only one-third of new arrivals were signing up for French-language courses and 90 per cent of graduates were unable to operate in French.)


Hamilton, Ontario, Liberal MP, Bob Bratina said on Monday he will not seek re-election, following the announcement that the federal government and the Province of Ontario will co-fund a $3.4 billion LRT system that he has spent years opposing as a councillor and then as the city’s mayor.

 Yet his opinion on the LRT proposal wasn’t sought by his own party, as Minister of Infrastructure and Communities Catherine McKenna pushed through the much-delayed development. It speaks to the complaints of a growing number of Liberal backbenchers that their judgment is not required on decisions pre-determined by the Prime Minister’s Office and select ministers.

“I contacted minister McKenna and Labour Minister (Filomena) Tassi (MP for Hamilton West-Ancaster-Dundas). At no time did they respond to the issues I brought up,” he said.


There’s an “alarming lack” of a clear strategy with explicit goals for LGBTQI2S inclusion practices across federal workplaces, according to a new report, which notes the RCMP is only “at the very beginning” of those inclusion efforts.

The report from the LGBT Purge Fund — released Monday to coincide with the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia — provides 23 recommendations to improve training and inclusion across the federal government, and calls on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to hold his ministers accountable for implementing those recommendations.

Recommendations to the government include greater consultation with LGBTQI2S employees and experts, publishing explicit goals for inclusion initiatives with metrics to monitor progress, mandate and incentivize training, more resources including funding, and gender-inclusive facilities throughout government.


 The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has placed temporary tariffs on sofas and chairs coming in from China and Vietnam and are flooding the market.

The duties against Chinese manufacturers range between 20 per cent to 295 per cent while the ones against Vietnamese manufacturers are from 17 per cent to 101 per cent.

“The CBSA has completed the preliminary stage of its investigations and found that imports of upholstered domestic seating from China and Vietnam have been dumped and subsidized,” read a statement from spokesperson Mark Stuart.

Monday, May 17, 2021


  Big trees, small trees, dead trees, softwoods and hardwoods have all become valuable targets of tree poachers in B.C. as timber prices hit record levels.

Forestry experts and officials say reports of people sneaking into public forests to illegally saw down firs, cedars and maples are rising.

Recent prices for B.C. softwood lumber reached $1,600 for 1,000 board feet compared with about $300 a year ago.


   Lilley: There are three big lies told about Canada’s border situation during COVID. Unfortunately, too often, they are being repeated rather than challenged.

First off, there’s the claim that we have the “most stringent” measures in the world, that non-essential travel is banned and, finally, that only Canadians are allowed into the country at this time.

While the Trudeau government continues to maintain that Canada has “the most stringent” border measures in the Western world, recent headlines would say otherwise.

Last Thursday, the Sun reported just 16% of people crossing at the land border are actually tested for COVID-19 before being allowed to enter the country. More than 750,000 people crossed into Canada by land between Feb. 22 and May 4, but just over 120,000 people were tested.


 Things started to go downhill in 2008, when the province entered a period of high spending by hiring thousands more public servants and paying wage increases far beyond inflation.

As a devastating report prepared for Newfoundland and Labrador premier, Andrew Furey, by former Canada Post chief executive, Moya Greene, points out, “financial restraint was not in the mind of the general public or the leadership of political parties.”

Spending rose from $4.97 billion in 2004/05 to $8.97 billion this year – an increase of 80 per cent.

Newfoundland and Labrador may be in the worst shape but it is not alone. Federal government sources concede it is the expired canary in a coalmine where other provinces are already showing signs of gasping for air.

Sunday, May 16, 2021


  As the sexual misconduct crisis has engulfed the military, critics have pointed repeatedly to the Liberal government's failure to fully enact C-77 — legislation that inserts a victims' bill of rights into the separate justice system for the Armed Forces.

Almost two years after it was passed by the Senate, the law still hasn't come into force because new regulations have not yet been drafted.

Victims of crime in the military have long been denied the same rights as civilians — including the right to information about the status of a complaint or charge — because they are subject to a separate justice system. That's something C-77 was supposed to correct.


 Dr. Manuela Joannou is stepping down from her role as the medical director of a trauma program for military veterans and first responders in eastern Ontario amid public anger over her decision to place a registered sex offender as a peer mentor for a group of sexual assault survivors.

CBC News revealed last week that Joannou failed to tell a group of 12 female first responders and Canadian Forces veterans with post traumatic stress disorder that they spent a six-day trauma retreat in July 2018 with a retired soldier who had recently been convicted in two different sexual assault cases.



  • There are two major taxpayer-funded income support programs for Canadians aged 65 and older: The Old Age Security (OAS) and the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) programs.
  • The absolute number of individuals in Canada aged 65 and older is projected to approximately double between 2019 and 2060, so that by 2060, 25 percent of Canada’s projected total population will be 65 or older.
  • Over the 10-year period from 2020 to 2030, total expenditures on the OAS and GIS (plus the GIS Allowance and administrative costs) are projected to increase by almost 70 percent and by an additional 136 percent from 2030 to 3060.


Dr. Anthony Fauci, Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser, has become quite the celebrity in America. Even so, as the COVID-19 pandemic winds down, key aspects of Fauci’s career remain largely unknown to the people.

Fauci earned a medical degree at Cornell in 1966 but if he ever practiced medicine it was only for a short time. As Raymond S. Greenberg explains at, the mid-1960s were the days of “a compulsory draft of American physicians,” to serve in military hospitals in Vietnam. One of the few alternatives to that service was a position in the Public Health Service. Newly minted physicians could join the clinical associate program at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland.

These doctors were dubbed “Yellow Berets,” the opposite numbers of the special forces Green Beret troops in Vietnam.


Colonial Pipeline Co. paid nearly $5 million to Eastern European hackers on Friday, contradicting reports earlier this week that the company had no intention of paying an extortion fee to help restore the country’s largest fuel pipeline, according to two people familiar with the transaction.

The company paid the hefty ransom in difficult-to-trace cryptocurrency within hours after the attack, underscoring the immense pressure faced by the Georgia-based operator to get gasoline and jet fuel flowing again to major cities along the Eastern Seaboard, those people said. A third person familiar with the situation said U.S. government officials are aware that Colonial made the payment.


A private company called ITPS Canada is training foreign fighter pilots on “aircraft to aircraft combat, aircraft to ground combat and aerobatics”, according to the statement given by Giorgio Clementi the owner of the company.

The pilots are here for a year to learn everything about 20 different aircraft from single engine propeller planes to large jets. Clients have included the Italian, Turkish, Malaysian, and Chinese Air forces.

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army is using Canadian airspace to hone their skills to kill Canadian allies.


  AP President and CEO Gary Pruitt moved the media narrative ahead with a statement fulminating against Israel and again omitting any mention of the fact that Hamas shared a building with AP’s reporters, which is altogether fitting – why should Hamas not have its press agency in close proximity? Pruitt stated: “We are shocked and horrified that the Israeli military would target and destroy the building housing AP’s bureau and other news organizations in Gaza. They have long known the location of our bureau and knew journalists were there. We received a warning that the building would be hit.”
   Self-contradictorily, just a few lines after admitting that the IDF, in accord with its usual practice, had warned the occupants that the building would get hit and had given occupants time to evacuate, Pruitt labored to give the impression that his intrepid “journalists” made it out of the building in the nick of time, just ahead of the Israeli merchants of death: “This is an incredibly disturbing development. We narrowly avoided a terrible loss of life. A dozen AP journalists and freelancers were inside the building and thankfully we were able to evacuate them in time.”
   Pruitt, a fearless “journalist” himself, vowed to get to the bottom of this: “We are seeking information from the Israeli government and are engaged with the U.S. State Department to try to learn more.” And he lamented melodramatically: “The world will know less about what is happening in Gaza because of what happened today.” That is, the world will have slightly less access to Palestinian jihad propaganda because of what happened today.


The article “Origin of COVID - Following the Clues” by Nicholas Wade is a comprehensive investigation into the COVID19 pandemic. Wade is a science journalist who has written articles for the big publishers. His Origin of COVID article is a clear-eyed analysis of what we do and don’t know. He tells us the details that lead a reasonable reader to conclude that the Wuhan Virology Institute created the COVID19 virus and through sloppy techniques released the virus. The disease spread rapidly, killing millions and attacking elderly populations in particular.


  Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) reacted to the CDC’s summer camp guidance and health officials arguing that unvaccinated children need to wear masks by stating that it doesn’t make sense given that there isn’t a wave of deaths among children and “the burden of proof should be on the state. If Fauci wants kids to mask up and wear masks everywhere, he should show us the science, show us the evidence that kids are creating a contagion.”