Sunday, May 30, 2021


 What’s the point of being a cop anymore? The media runs quotidian stories, apocryphal at best, of police brutality (sorry about the SAT words but I only have five and use them when I can). Liberal celebrities and politicians hamstring cops at every turn. Lefty politicians regurgitate the myth of “systemic racism” in policing anytime someone points a camera at them.

Most of our major cities have seen ridiculous spikes in police retirements. In Chicago, 560 cops retired last year, a 15% increase from the previous year. In New York, 2,500 officers said goodbye in 2020, almost double the number in 2019. As my colleague, Rick Moran pointed out, 200 cops in Minneapolis have retired since the death of George Floyd. Victoria Taft told us the same thing regarding Portland. It’s happening all over the country and I don’t blame them

Why are so many cops leaving the job? Because it’s the smart thing to do. Here are some very good reasons to not be a cop in the United States these days.

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