Saturday, May 22, 2021


About six weeks ago, the WHO promised to issue updated guidance about ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug that many believe is a panacea for COVID-19. “This drug has broad spectrum activity,” they admitted, “and this is why it can be used at the early stage of the disease, trying to prevent the severe disease,” but of course, they said, as they have said from the start, more studies are needed to determine if it actually works. “We need more clinical trials.” That was their guidance six months ago, that was their guidance six weeks ago, and that is the same horseshit they regurgitated when they finally issued their updated guidance Wednesday, on the heels of some Philippines-specific guidance WHO had issued the very day before, serving to muddy those murky waters.

It seems criminal, when there is conclusive evidence that treating disease early can entirely mitigate deleterious impacts and even prevent morbidity, that the current guidance from our health authorities, a year since this crisis began to unfold here, is still to basically ignore COVID-19 until it gets bad enough to warrant an ER visit. Even when doctors dare to prescribe ivermectin, their patients often find that the pharmacy refuses to fill the prescription. Some COVID victims have been forced to petition courts to compel pharmacies to fill the prescriptions, or to force hospitals to provide treatment they otherwise withhold, while some pharmacies have instituted a policy to fill prescriptions for the drug only if explicitly specified that it is not used for COVID. What happened to the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship?

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