Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Marketed in the late 1950's as a safe treatment for morning sickness thalidomide resulted in birth defects.
Yesterday, Dec. 1st,  the Canadian government (with all party support) agreed on a compensation package for the victims of this drug.
I feel for the victims...but why is the Canadian taxpayer paying for what should be totally Big Pharma's financial responsibility?


  1. Let's see if I have this right:
    1) Big Pharma cherry picks those to take part in drug trials/studies. Check.
    2) Big Pharma drops those that report any side effects during the trials and studies. Check.
    3) Big Pharma has nothing but a glowing report of their new drug and seeks approval from Health Canada for its' use. Check.
    4)Time ticks by and serious side effects surface...but since government run Health Canada gave approval now it is the taxpayers that must pay the compensation to victims.
    There is something seriously wrong with this picture!

    1. I don't know here to start on this one. I mean, begrudging these folks with their horrible disabilities government compensation while we are quite willing to shell out multi-millions to Veterans claiming that they are afflicted with "PTSD", seems just so wrong.
