Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Indonesia seeks ways to tame hunger for food imports

In addition to a lack of land and investment, water shortages, poor infrastructure and land rights issues are also blamed for limiting improvements in agriculture. To protect domestic farmers, the government also imposes limits on some imports and trading of food staples, which has been criticised by consumers and international trading partners.
"For Indonesia there definitely is a need to boost self-sufficiency. How you go about this, is open to question."
Ummm, give property rights and free markets a try. Elect a government that doesn't interfere, and your question will soon be answered.

1 comment:

  1. I think this would be an excellent opportunity for the reps. from all of Ontario's farm orgs. and Ag. Minister Jeff Leal to fly to fly to Indonesia and share their, ahem, expertise with all those poor Indonesian souls. I mean, surely it's nothing that subsidies, supply-management, and windmills can't fix. And while they are there, who would begrudge them a little bonding time in a Jakarta "spa".
