Saturday, August 2, 2014


Consumer Report identifies culprits responsible for Public's pessimism on farming's future.
"When participants think about the sector there is a tendency to envisage farms, livestock, crops, green pastures, endless wheat fields, and prairie landscapes. This type of imagery reinforces a view of the sector as traditional, rather than modern, progressive and innovative."
"Recent surveys of the Canadian public have underscored a number of misperceptions about the agricultural sector and a relatively pessimistic public view with respect to its future outlook," the report says, citing "alarmist documentaries and media reports" as the culprits."
And just in case you think Ag Canada will soon straighten this out...
"The final report...was delivered to the department in April, but never publicized. It now sits quietly tucked away in its online archives ...."
h/t Bourque Newswatch


  1. Ag Canada will certainly keep this report locked away. They wouldn't want to be expected to correct the official narratives at the risk of upsetting friends in the CBC and other government departments. When the government and the big wineries were forcing us out of business we couldn't buy a headline. Our story just didn't fit into the 'accepted' categories.

  2. I'm not sure if I have the author's argument figured out. I think she's siding with the public - saying that the misconceptions aren't misconceptions at all.

    Here's my take. Whatever messes our farmers may be in, they are largely self-made messes.

  3. kodiakmac, you are right about farmers, they should all cease production and have every one grow their own food like it used to be. Can you spell famine and anarchy ?

    1. Oh, if farmers don't learn to stand up to the regulatory tide, they'll be ceasing production alright. But as long as they keep electing shameless suckholes to represent them on their farm organizations, things will just continue to get worse.

    2. Can I spell famine and anarchy? Sure. V-O-T-E L-I-B-E-R-A-L

  4. I'd say the general public would be very very happy if we all just cuddled our cows and hugged the hogs. Never raised our voices or swore at a hateful animal that threatened to KILL US....thanks to the talking mouse and his creator Walt Disney animals are just like people don't ya know.
    It is gonna take a famime and anarchy to turn the tables on the animal activists and their cheerleaders in the MSM.
    Every evening news cast now has a warm and fuzzy animal story as part of the news....propaganda?

  5. There's a guy over in Odessa went to jail for liking cows to mch. But maybe now it legal and librals teaching it in kindergarden.
